
Overcoming the Fear of Leadership

By February 21, 2017

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I’ve noticed a common characteristic in new leaders, and it’s hindering their success.

It’s that scary little four-letter word: FEAR.

Fear of not being good enough to lead. Fear of letting their team down. Fear of making the right decisions.

Sound familiar?

In my early days, I used to literally self-sabotage my business and my results!

And I never quite understood why I did this!

Now looking back, it’s all clear…

Truth be told, I didn’t believe I had what it took to be a leader.

I had built an organization, and I did not feel like I had it inside of me to lead them where they needed and wanted to go!

I was in this vicious cycle for years, and it was extremely frustrating.

The thought of being in charge of this large organization’s direction…helping them actually create their vision for a transformed life…scared me to death.

But, I learned….

I learned that to attack this problem, you need to do two things:

  1.     Recognize that this fear is real and that you have to deal with it.
  2.     Acknowledge the resistance.

The things we fear the most are the very things we were put on this earth to do!

If you fear the idea of becoming a leader, then you were probably meant to lead!

It means you are not taking this role and responsibility lightly!

However, you MUST stop letting fear control your business.

And you MUST stop pressing the snooze button on your dreams, goals, and passions.

Let’s talk about this more inside the podcast..